Garage Wall Organization

With a nearly endless variety of hooks, baskets
and tool holders, it’s easy to create a well organized garage tool storage area
above your workbench.

Garage wall organization is important for at least two very good reasons. First, the garage wall is often under utilized and poorly organized. Second, a well organized garage wall is almost therapeutic. Therapeutic?

Garage organization
is one of the most productive things you can do for your mental health, and organizing your garage walls is a critical part of the puzzle.Yes, whether you recognize it or not, garage therapy is not only important, it is very real. Think about it. How do you feel when you walk into your garage? Do you feel overwhelmed, embarrassed, or even bored?

Where to Start your Garage Wall Organization Project

Over the workbench. The garage workbench is a central hub in any garage organization project. It is a place to keep your tools, a place to work on projects and a great place to start your garage wall organization project. Here are a few options:

Pegboard – Everyone has either seen or used pegboard at one time in their life. Modern garage pegboard panels have come a long way since the old masonite panels most people have seen or used.

Today, you can still buy wood, but you can also find plastic pegboard as well as galvanized and power coated steel pegboard panels. Some companies are also making steel pegboard strips if you don’t want to put up an entire panel.

With a nearly endless variety of hooks, baskets and tool holders, it’s easy to create a well organized garage tool storage area above your workbench. It may not be nirvana, but easy access to your most frequently used hand tools is pretty neat.

Garage Shelves – Shelving comes in so many sizes, shapes and materials that you can find one to fit almost any space in your garage. You can also use garage shelf plans if you want to build a garage storage shelf to your exact specifications. This is often necessary in tight spaces or over your workbench.

Today, you can walk into any big box home improvement store and find a large selection of garage shelves. From powder-coated steel to chrome, plastic and wood, there are many materials available.

Steel garage storage shelves with wood shelf inserts are very common and available in many sizes. The most familiar brand is Gorilla Rack shelving, although dozens of other brands are available.

Brackets and Standards – Another simple and affordable shelving system is brackets and standards. What’s that? Slotted metal standards (strips) attach vertically to the wall, brackets fit into slots on the brackets and then shelves sit on the brackets.

This is what I grew up using and still use some today. Shelf standards and brackets are almost indestructible and can be configured to fit almost any space.

Garage Wall Storage Systems

A “system” is simply a set of things that work together. Modern storage systems offer sets of “things” like shelves, hooks, cabinets, etc., that work together to organize your garage. Gladiator Garageworks by Whirlpool, for example, makes a system of coordinated garage storage cabinets that actually hang on slat wall wall panels rather than being screwed directly to the wall.

Here are a couple of popular options:

Slat Wall or Slot Wall – This simple garage wall storage system has its roots in the retail store display world. Walk into most stores today, especially clothing stores, and you will see slotted panels on the wall with hooks and baskets holding clothing, accessories, etc.

Some people call them “slot wall” some “slat wall” panels, but they both refer to the same thing. Basically, they are wood or composite (plastic) panels – like sheets of plywood – that have horizontal slots in them.

Slot wall panels come in 48 inch by 96 inch sheets (like a standard sheet of plywood), as well as other sizes to fit your space. You can even buy slot wall strips if you don’t want to cover the entire wall. Suncast and Gladiator Garageworks both offer slot wall strips. Gladiator calls their version GearTrack, which is typically sold in 4 foot long sections.

Using slot wall system in your garage is no different than how they are used in retail stores. The slots are used for hanging everything from hooks to shelves, storage bins and entire cabinets, as with the Gladiator garage storage example. The best part is your ability to mix and match cabinets and storage accessories and move them whenever the need arises.

Grid Wall – This is another system rooted in the retail. Heavy duty steel grids are attached to the wall and a variety of hooks and baskets hang on the grid to hold your tools, supplies and equipment.

Wire grid wall panels come in a variety of sizes to fit your space and storage requirements. Schulte is a very popular brand and 48 inches wide by 24 inches high is a common size. Hooks come in all shapes and sizes to hold garden tools, small hand tools, power cords, hoses, etc.

Add to your Garage Wall Organization System

When it comes to garage organization, the options are only limited by your imagination. When your garage wall organization project is done, look up! Overhead garage storage space is one of the most under-utilized areas in most garages. There is a lot more room up there than you think.

You can also focus on your garage workbench, flooring and more. Think “baby steps,” taking one area at a time to limit overwhelm and discouragement. Just get started and don’t stop!

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